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Bee Bread: The Fermented Fuel of the Hive!

Bee bread is a naturally fermented bee product that plays a vital role in the hive and has caught the attention of scientists for its potential health benefits. What Bee Bread is Made Of Bee bread is primarily composed of pollen, nectar or honey, and enzymes secreted by bees. Once bees pack pollen into honeycomb cells and mix it with their saliva, natural fermentation occurs. This process is driven by microorganisms like lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast present in the hive, creating a nutrient-dense food. Think of it as… Read More »Bee Bread: The Fermented Fuel of the Hive!


FIRSTLY, WHY DO BEES COLLECT POLLEN? Pollen from flowers is precious package made of protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, and minerals for the larva. Without pollen, the larva would die. The workers bees are responsible to collect pollen to take back to the hive. HOW DO BEES COLLECT POLLEN? The worker bee has spiky hair on her hind legs that are called pollen baskets or corbiculae. When she alights on the anther of a flower, the pollen gets attached to the hair in her eyes and body, she uses her fore… Read More »A BEE COLLECTS POLLEN? HOW? WHY?