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Dipping Sauces and Chutneys

If you fancy adding a dash of sweet into your dips and chutneys, the range of The Honey Company™ raw honey varietals are perfect to bring that extra something into the ‘same old’ ‘same old’. Make your dips and chutneys using combinations of berries, fresh fruit like Pineapples, Tomatoes, nuts, cream, herbs and spices and add The Honey Company™ raw honey that is best suited.

Recommended The Honey Company™ raw honey varietals are:
1. Acacia Raw Honey
2. Clover Raw Honey
3. Lychee Raw Honey
4. Mustard Raw Honey
5. Natural Raw Honey

If you would like to try and experiment with other The Honey Company™ honey varietals, then you could place an order for the The Honey Company™ Miniature Collection 2020 to help you make a decision. This Collection has 55gram jars of The Honey Company™ raw honey.

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