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Honey Guide


Purpose of buying The Honey Company™ **Raw Honey The Honey Company™ Raw honey best suited in the order mentioned
Honey & Health: – All of the Raw Honey mentioned here contributes to health and general wellbeing. Neem Raw Honey
Sidr Raw Honey
Kashmir Tulsi Honey
Tulsi Raw Honey
Fennel Raw Honey
Ajwain Raw Honey
Eucalyptus Raw Honey
Karanj Raw Honey
Coriander Raw Honey
Honeydew Raw Honey
Black Wild Forest Raw Honey
Himachal Multi-floral Raw Honey
*Beverages: All teas, coffee, juices Acacia Raw Honey
Clover Raw Honey
Lychee Raw Honey
Rosewood Raw Honey
Natural Raw Honey
Cocktails & Mocktails: You can be adventurous and use some heavy honeys as well. Try The Honey Company™ Miniature Collection 2020 to test an sample the best combinations. Acacia Raw Honey
Clover Raw Honey
Lychee Raw Honey
Rosewood Raw Honey
Natural Raw Honey
Dessert toppings: icecreams, fruits salads, syrup for soaking jalebis & jamuns(honey at room temperature; no heating), cake soaks. Acacia Raw Honey
Clover Raw Honey
Lychee Raw Honey
Rosewood Raw Honey
Honey Spreads: Toasts, paratas, multigrain breads, dosas. Acacia Raw Honey
Clover Raw Honey
Lychee Raw Honey
Rosewood Raw Honey
Natural Raw Honey
Black Wild Forest Raw Honey
Dipping Sauces  & Chutneys: Honey combined with oils, sauces, herbs and spices. Acacia Raw Honey
Clover Raw Honey
Lychee Raw Honey
Rosewood Raw Honey
Natural Raw Honey
Tulsi Raw Honey
Coriander Raw Honey
Fennel Raw Honey
Cheese & Honey Pairing: Honey drizzled over cheese accompanied by bread, crackers, fresh fruit, dry fruit, nuts and herbs. Here, the pairing given is playing it safe. You can be adventurous and use some heavy honeys as well. Try The Honey Company™ Miniature Collection 2020 to test an sample the best combinations. Parmigiano-Reggiano – Acacia Raw Honey, Fennel Raw Honey, Karanj Raw Honey, Forest Raw Honey, Black Wild Forest Raw Honey
Parmesan– Acacia Raw Honey, Karanj Raw Honey, Fennel Raw Honey, Forest Raw Honey, Black Wild Forest Raw Honey
Cheddar– Acacia Raw Honey, Cover Raw Honey, Black Wild Forest Raw Honey, Karanj Raw Honey,
Red Leicester– Acacia Raw Honey, Coriander Raw Honey, Black Wild Forest Raw Honey
Blue Cheese – Clover Raw Honey, Eucalyptus Raw Honey, Karanj Raw Honey, Natural Raw Honey, Black Wild Forest Raw Honey
Feta – Rosewood Raw Honey, Clover Raw Honey, Lychee Raw Honey
Brie– Acacia Raw Honey, Lychee Raw Honey, Forest Raw Honey
Gouda – Clover Raw Honey, Lychee Raw Honey, Acacia Raw Honey, Black Wild Forest Raw Honey, , Karanj Raw Honey
Emmental– Clover Raw Honey, Acacia Raw Honey, Natural Raw Honey, Black Wild Forest Raw Honey
Salad Dressing Acacia Raw Honey
Tulsi Raw Honey
Clover Raw Honey
Lychee Raw Honey
Rosewood Raw Honey
Natural Raw Honey
Honey Glazes for Roasts Vegetables and Meat Coriander Raw Honey
Natural Honey
Clover Honey
Baking Acacia Raw Honey
Clover Raw Honey
Lychee Raw Honey
Rosewood Raw Honey
Natural Raw Honey
Black Wild Forest Raw Honey
Kashmir Tulsi Honey
Honeydew Raw Honey (Tree Sap Honey)
Little Bee Raw Honey
Himachal Multi-floral Raw Honey


* Please note that Raw Honey is best had ‘as is’ to benefit from its abundant goodness. If it must be mixed with water, then the water must be either room temperature or lukewarm. Exposing the honey to heat and moisture destroys almost all of its beneficial properties. When honey is heated, it’s chemical composition shifts from being exceptionally life giving, to becoming deleterious to good health. In Ayurveda, it is said that consuming honey that is treated with heat or mixed with hot food and drink causes ‘Ama’ or accumulation of undigested matter causing digestive issues. The chemicals generated by heating honey tend to adhere to mucous linings in the digestive system and obstructs nutrients from food being absorbed by body cells and also obstructs proper discharge of wastes. DO NOT COOK REGULARLY WITH HONEY.

* When you use honey in tea or coffee, do not add it while it is piping hot. Add it only when the temperature of the tea or coffee has cooled off enough for you to drink.

ADVICE FOR DIABETICS: Please consult your doctor/dietician to decide on the inclusion of honey into your recommended carbohydrate intake & stay true to the prescription.
ALLERGY ADVICE: If you are allergic to honey or pollen, speak to your allergist to figure out if you can consume raw honey & in what quantity.
HONEY & BABIES: Honey shouldn’t be given to children below the age of 12 months. In the extremely rare chance that the Clostridium botulinum bacteria is present in honey, the intestines of babies are not developed enough to fight the bacteria.

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