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You have heard of people consuming diluted Apple Cider Vinegar everyday in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. You would have seen Apple Cider Vinegar being advertised as nothing short of the elixir of life. If you aren’t sure how much is fact and how much hype, read on.

Here is basic information you should know about Apple Cider Vinegar or Apple Cider Honey Vinegar:


Apple Cider Vinegar is made in three steps:

Step 1: Apple juice is extracted from apples.
Step 2: In the case of simple Apple Cider Vinegar, Yeast is added to Apple juice to break down sugars and convert the mix into Alcohol. In the case of The Honey Company™ Apple Cider Honey Vinegar, Yeast is added to Apple juice and Raw Honey mix to break down sugars and convert the mix into Alcohol.
Step 3: Bacteria (Probiotics) is added to the mix, to convert the alcohol to acetic acid.

The mix is kept resting for 4-6 weeks and your Apple Cider (Honey) Vinegar is ready to be strained and bottled. The bottled vinegar is raw, unpasteurised with traces of mother of vinegar.


Mother of Vinegar is basically cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that develop during the fermentation process. The presence of mother in the vinegar makes it cloudy, but, is considered to be highly beneficial for good health.

Due to the fact that most consumers do not know the process of making vinegar. They may assume that cloudy vinegar indicates spoilage. So most Companies filter the vinegar to appear clear.

Like in the case of raw honey, pasteurisation of vinegar destroys its probiotic properties and all beneficial nutrients in it.


Apple Cider Honey Vinegar is said to have antibacterial and antifungal properties and is famed for the following benefits:
1. Is said to improve metabolism and is therefore used in body weight management.
2. Is known to be used in regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure.
3. Is used to relieve indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence and acidity.
4. It helps in the case urinary problems.
5. Helps fight inflammation.
6. Helps balance pH levels in the body and restore alkalinity in the body.
7. Helps balance the skin by eliminating excess oil production on skin.


1. If you are new to consuming apple cider honey vinegar, then start with 5ml of the vinegar in 100ml water and consume it just before your breakfast. If you don’t feel uncomfortable (burpy, bloated, burning sensation or queasy) you could continue with the consumption.

2. Once you have decided you are comfortable with consuming the vinegar, mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of apple cider honey vinegar with (300 ml) of water. And drink. Rinse your mouth after consuming the vinegar to avoid damaging the enamel of your teeth.

3. Restrict your intake to a maximum of 1 tablespoon or 15 ml per day in 300ml of water.

4.The best way to consume apple cider honey vinegar is to use it as part of your meals. Use it directly in your salads as part of the dressing or to make marinades for cooking. Find recipes to see how you can incorporate the apple cider honey vinegar into your diet without having to drink it everyday.

1. Never consume the product raw and avoid inhaling raw vinegar. It can damage your throat and oesophagus and irritate your lungs, nose and eyes. Always dilute the vinegar with adequate water. (15ml apple cider honey vinegar in 300ml water.)
2. Do not consume regularly. As prolonged consumption over a period of years, could lead to drop in your blood potassium or cause osteoporosis.
3. If you are on diabetes medications or on diuretics, consume occasionally in salads or other foods. Excessive Apple Cider Vinegar can react unfavorably with the medications.


1. You may consume Apple Cider Honey Vinegar if your constitution is that of ‘Vata’. Vinegars tend to aggravate Pitta. So it would help to speak to an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner to know your constitution.
2. Don’t take it on a prolonged basis.


Store your bottle of Apple Cider Honey Vinegar in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight. Shake well before use.

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